The Power of Positivity
The world is full of negatives, some of which are so devastating that billions of unfortunate souls can do little more than suffer the horrific conditions of their fate. Without belittling the problems of the world’s more advanced economies, the bleak realities associated primarily with developing countries stand in stark contrast in terms of severity and serve as a reminder that more advantaged people at least have hope.
We are all experiencing some level of anxiety and loss these days due to the coronavirus. But the way out of this pandemic is not to fight a negative with more negatives, especially not by creating false or incriminating narratives. While it is true that this disease is hurting many of us pretty hard, and mistakes are being made, negativity will not see us through either as individuals or as groups of disaffected people, which we now see emerging in Canada. In the instance of COVID-19, fighting a negative with denial and/or manufactured negatives will only exacerbate the problem.
Let’s try to keep things in perspective and stay positive. Be kind, cooperative and supportive. Be good to yourself and others. We are going to get through this together. Who knows? We may even find that, in the end, we are stronger as a result. Be hopeful and stay safe!