“Integration by Design”
Microsoft understands. ESRI understands. The TAK Product Center at Fort Belvoir understands. CounterCrisis Tech understands. And an increasing number of defence, emergency management, public safety, search and rescue, and security organizations understand. The path to an extensible, flexible, interoperable, reliable, scalable, supportable, and cost-effective incident management solution is through integration. Why?
1. Billions of dollars have been invested in the development, maintenance and enhancement of productivity, visualization and analytical tools, which represent some of the most widely used applications on the planet.
2. These applications are familiar to millions of end users, they are easy to use, and they represent the most advanced technology.
3. Microsoft and ESRI are working cooperatively to create plug-in architectures to enable integration by design.
4. These global leaders are willing to work with industry partners, like CounterCrisis Tech, and customers to collaborate on configuring solutions to meet specific operational requirements.
5. Leveraging existing technology investments allows end user organizations to get more productivity and actionable information out of applications they are already using daily while getting more bang for their buck in a world of shrinking budgets.
The result of this practical technology application approach is better incident management outcomes.
CounterCrisis Tech’s IC4W incident management application is designed specifically to accelerate and optimize this practical approach.